Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Traditions

Well, I'm a little earlier posting for Christmas than I was for Thanksgiving.  I guess that's progress!  I would love to hear any traditions you and your family have during the Christmas season -- anything you do to celebrate the season. 

We are using an advent wreath for the first time this year, and it's been great!  It sits on our kitchen table.  We light a candle every night before dinner, pray a prayer, and read a scripture.  We leave the candles lit during dinner, which the boys (Boyd - 6, Randy - 4) love.  I've found it's definitely helping me focus more on the amazing lengths God went to so he could come to us -- to make a way for us to know Him by sending His only Son to this world for us.  What an amazing, wonderful God!  It's also helping all of us focus more on how we can serve others during this season.  We'll definitely make this a yearly tradition!

What about you?  Any traditions or Christmas ideas you can share??
