Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Second Tuesday Co-ops--Quotes, Semi-Quotes and Pictures

The stars lined up just right this morning to get a few pictures from some of the MANY faces at co-op today, meaning I didn't have to teach, I was up there a lot, and I remembered to charge the battery AND put the camera into the car last night.

Disclaimer:  I am not a photographer.  Faces will possibly be blurry or turned away from the camera completely.  That is sadly just how I roll.

And, I randomly asked a few kids "What Did You Learn Today?"--

--About the color wheel and primary colors (Will)

--Nothing so far, but it was fun (another Will)

--Why it is important to study the Bible.  You know, basic intro Bible Study stuff.  (Joshua)

--That I LOVE VEGGIE TALES! (unidentified preschool boy)

--Yellow...(cute little girl in the Fellowship Hall)

--That those meat/cheesy things before Book Club were really good and you should learn how to make them (my child, and this is what he came up with after having 4 classes!)

--That my chips were stale (another of my children.  Do you see a trend here?)

Paraphrasing here:

--How to stroke the horse on the neck to calm it down (TJ)

--That The Magician's Nephew has a lot of correlations to the creation story in the Bible (Victoria)

--That today wasn't just an introduction and we actually had to do some math (Harrison and Kristen)

Getting ready for Veggie Tales to begin

Art treasures

He even looks like an artist with that cool hat, huh?

Ten Commandments class

High school boy's Bible Study--best seats in the place

Getting ready to do a little ReACHEing Out at Stewpot

Middle School Book Club - discussing The Magician's Nephew

Sometimes, the playground is the best classroom.

First Horse Class - learning the basics

Ms. Dale with (amazing) helpers Victoria and Mason
ReACHING Out at Gateway Rescue Mission

Personal Finance with Ms. Valerie

Posted by:  C. Miley 

1 comment:

  1. Charla, thank you so much for taking the time to take these fantastic pictures and interviews and putting them up here for us to share! What an amazing thing God is doing for our families through ReACHE! I can't wait to share this blog with others. ;-)
