ReACHE is putting on a play. It begins with two performances tomorrow. I don't know if you have made plans to attend, or if it is just not in the cards (or budget) for you this year. But as I sat through one of the first dress rehearsals on Monday, I was struck by overall sense of community and parallels to the Kingdom of God that this event represents.
I watched as a LOT of homeschool students prepared for the big day. These kids are so impressive. They have learned lines and cues and expressions. Some are naturals who like to ham it up, and some are probably very nervous, but they work together to make it all flow. Some sing and play instruments, and several do this cute little square dance (my boys that are extras thanked me for not encouraging them to try out for those particular parts--they didn't want to have to touch a GIRL'S hand!).
In addition to those on stage, there are SO MANY behind the scenes workers and helpers. Set builders, soundboard/lighting people, costume/hair/makeup people, the boys counting chairs and taping them in place. There are parents who have volunteered on many levels, and those who are doing good just to have their children at practice every week. Each is talented and necessary in their own unique ways. I'm thinking of one teenager in particular that would never feel comfortable on stage, but he seems to have absolutely blossomed and taken ownership as a stage hand.
Countless hours of preparation and prayer have gone into pulling this off. When it is all said and done, and the last prop is put away, I am sure that these students will come away better people for having been a part of this. Maybe other kids in the audience will be inspired to take part in some way in future plays. Maybe they just need to see that there ARE older homeschooling kids that are funny and talented and THERE. Maybe YOU need to be reminded of that. Homeschooling can be a lonely, isolating journey, and having access to events like this can help us remember we are in community here. We need each other, whether we are out front as teachers or leaders, or more behind the scenes supporters building our own family structures, we each have a place, and every calling is important and necessary.
I hope you can make it to the play. If not, please keep everyone in your prayers. This is a very big effort, with many details still yet to be nailed down. Pray especially for Kim Lepone. She is the mastermind behind it all, and even if I knew all that she has had to do/plan/organize/ keep straight, I wouldn't have enough time or space to list it all. This is her baby, so to speak, and it must be some type of calling she has, because otherwise I would think she would have had some type of nervous breakdown by now. She has done an amazing job, and she (and her family) deserve all kinds of shout-outs.
I guess the bottom line is, whether or not you are involved with or even plan to attend the play, what you do is important. Don't forget that.
Seriously, though, if you are still debating about reserving those tickets, go ahead and do it before someone comes in asking where their pencil is. You know, the one with the good eraser that was found in between the couch cushions last week but somehow ended up next to the gecko cage yesterday? Or maybe that kind of daily conversation just happens at my house. Performances are Thursday at 2:00 and 6:00, and Friday at 6:00 at the Word of Life Church on Lakeland Drive. Tickets are going fast.
Posted by: C. Miley
Thank you, Charla. This was beautifully written and it blessed my heart to know that someone "gets" the message of the play and the purpose of what we are doing. It is a lot of work, but it is SO worth the investment in these kids and their families. . .for the exact reasons you mentioned. . .from the natural "hams" to the blossoming stage hands. ;-) Thank you so much.