Wednesday, October 26, 2011

PWAGT Class Fall Festival for MS School for the Blind

Thanks so much to Paula Stogner and Jennifer for setting this up! And all the others who worked so hard to pull it off. Our kids did GREAT job ministering to the resident kids at MS School for the blind. I am not sure who got more out of this-- the kids at the school or our ReACHE kids! My own kids, I know had a really good time. They were admittedly nervous before hand. But both of them really stepped out of their comfort zones, and found, as all of us, that God can work through our weakness and insecurities if we only get out of the way and let Him! Every one of our kids did such a super job! I am so proud of them.

Here are some pictures. (Sorry I don't have one of all of the kids. I took a ton, but some of them were too blurry)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Angie. I loved getting to hang out with Emma and Noah. I would never have thought they were nervous--they did a great job and were a huge help to me. I now know why I didn't major in 'cotton candy' in college! :)
